Finding Relevance

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Maintaining your ability to be awed

Deepak Chopra, when pressed about the single attribute important to living a happy life, named...
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What are you CEO’ing for?

I was met with a confronting question recently that stayed with me. What am I...
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Nature bats last

The final photograph in the book ‘Let my people go surfing’ (the seminal autobiography of...
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How the soft stuff enables the hard stuff

The work I’ve spent 25 doing often, quite dismissively, gets called ‘the soft stuff’. It’s...

Soul at the epicentre of your business’ potential

It’s been an interesting journey for me over the past few months as I’ve tentatively...

Trivial business v. Devotional business

Eating a meal can be done in two ways: Getting as many calories in your...
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Businesses tend toward being ‘whole’: Is yours?

I’ve shared a number of big ideas relating to CEOship and business performance over the...

‘Business Rising’: the leadership opportunity of a lifetime

I founded Lockstep 18 years ago. The work we did was mortifyingly basic at the...

‘Coherence’: Navigating through a Dying and a Birthing in your business

Businesses are more dynamic than people realise. The organogram did us a massive disfavour in...

The other 50% of your businesses’ potential

On average I have found that businesses reach 50% of their potential.  This begs two...

with Lockstep

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